Monday 5 January 2009

Happy new year

Selamat menyambut tahun baru hijrah 1430. Selamat tahun baru 2009. May this year bring more health, wealth and an abundance of Iman and Taqwa, insyaAllah.

Hopefully this new year also brings hope and peace to our brothers and sisters in Gaza. The genocide must stop!


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year and Salam Maal Hijrah 1430 to you and family. I still hanging and thanks a bundle for your words.

Kak Faiz

Anonymous said...

Salam Freg, how are you and the family? Hope semua orang sihat. Busy ke sekarang?

Kak Faiz

Anonymous said...

abdullah jones, thanks for visiting. Bila nak mai kampung bowburn nih?

Kak Faiz, alhamdulilah kami sihat, cuma sakit hati and perasaan tengok kekejaman Isreal while the world just sits, watches and lets the genocide to continue.

freg aka wkb

ayu said...

salam k.wan blog kita senasib...