Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Kuih raya

While the children were at school, kami buat kuih raya. Me, kzu, ayu and marlina. Penat banyak buat kuih raya ni. Selalunyer kat Malaysia, buat kuih tunjuk jer. Kat sini terpaksa le buat sendiri kalau nak makan. Masa bakar kuih tuh, terliur jugak sebab harum semerbak bau dia.

I was certain that the kids will love the kuih raya.

True enough, balik sekolah jer Farah terus bukak posa and gulped a few Almond London, makmur and some chocolates. The boys, though, were not the greatest fans. The kuihs were not tempting enough, especially for Iman. Ihsan, at least makan jugak a few makmurs and Almond London, but Iman had none. Instead, dia targeted the hazelnut chocolate. Hmmm penat masak kuih tapi tak laku plak...

Ailong makan gak kuih. Tadi lepas tadarus jer, belum buka lagi, dia terus capai sebijik makmur and makan. Lepas tuh baru teringat dia puasa. Apalagi, terus dashed to the kitchen sink and gurgled.

Fatihah plak, makan jer semua. Lepas tuh poo poo. Aduiiii!


Anonymous said...

hi kak wan...u add my blog at ur page...it should be yazmin not jasmin...take care

wan baba said...

sori min...selamat berpuasa